gunwing relena speech the gundam's will soon retify speech

Gunwing Relena Speech the Gundam’s Will Soon Retify Speech-explore

In the complex and fascinating universe of Gundam Wing, one of the most memorable and impactful moments is the speech given by Relena Peace craft, commonly referred to as the “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech. This address isn’t just another moment in the series but serves as a powerful commentary on peace, responsibility, and the role of power in shaping the future. As one of the central characters in the series, Relena’s words have resonated with fans and critics alike, making it an iconic moment in anime history.

The Context of the Speech

To fully appreciate the significance of the “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech, it’s important to understand the context within which it occurs. Gundam Wing is set in a future where humanity has expanded into space, creating colonies that orbit the Earth. However, the relationship between the Earth and these colonies is fraught with tension, leading to conflicts that are central to the series’ narrative.

Relena Peacecraft, as a character, represents ideals of pacifism and diplomacy. Her background as a member of the Peacecraft family, known for their advocacy of non-violence, shapes her views and actions throughout the series. The speech occurs at a critical juncture in the story, where Relena’s ideals are put to the test in the face of overwhelming violence and the presence of the powerful Gundams.

Breaking Down the Speech

The “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech is a masterful blend of idealism and realism. Relena begins by addressing the immediate threat posed by the Gundams—mobile suits piloted by skilled warriors who, despite their good intentions, are often agents of destruction. She acknowledges the power they hold but also the responsibility that comes with it.

Relena’s choice of the word “retify” is significant. It suggests a process of correction or making things right, indicating that the Gundams, despite their destructive capabilities, have a role in restoring balance. This concept is central to the themes of Gundam Wing, where the line between good and evil is often blurred, and characters grapple with the consequences of their actions.

The Message of Peace and Responsibility

A recurring theme in Relena’s speech is the idea of peace through understanding and responsibility. She emphasizes that true peace cannot be achieved through force alone but requires a commitment to justice and dialogue. This message is particularly poignant in the context of the Gundam Wing universe, where various factions are locked in a cycle of violence.

Relena’s speech also touches on the idea of responsibility. She calls on the Gundam pilots and those in power to recognize the weight of their actions and the impact they have on the world. This call to responsibility is a reflection of her belief that power must be wielded with caution and a sense of duty towards others.

Relena’s Vision for the Future

In her speech, Relena outlines a vision for the future—one where the Gundams, symbols of both hope and destruction, can be agents of positive change. She argues that the power of the Gundams should not be used to perpetuate violence but to correct the wrongs of the past and pave the way for a better future.

This vision is not just a dream but a challenge to all characters in the series. It asks them to consider the true purpose of their power and to work towards a future where peace is not just an absence of war but a state of harmony and understanding.

The Impact of the Speech on the Series

The “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech has a profound impact on the series and its characters. It serves as a turning point for many, including the Gundam pilots who are forced to reconsider their roles in the conflict. Relena’s words resonate with them, prompting a reflection on their actions and the path they wish to take moving forward.

For the audience, the speech is a moment of introspection. It challenges viewers to think about the nature of power, the consequences of violence, and the possibility of peace in a world torn apart by conflict. It’s a message that transcends the world of Gundam Wing, offering insights that are relevant to our own world.

Analyzing the Speech: A Deeper Insight

Beyond the immediate narrative, the “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech can be seen as a commentary on the nature of power in society. Relena’s words are a reminder that those who hold power, whether it be through military might or political influence, have a responsibility to use it wisely. This theme is especially relevant in a world where power is often abused, leading to cycles of violence and retribution.

The speech also touches on the idea of redemption. By suggesting that the Gundams can “retify” the wrongs of the past, Relena is offering a path to redemption for those who have caused harm. It’s a message of hope—that no matter how dark the past, there is always the possibility of making things right.

The Legacy of Relena’s Speech

Over the years, the “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech has become one of the most quoted and discussed moments in the Gundam Wing series. Its themes of peace, responsibility, and the power of words have resonated with fans across generations, making it a timeless piece of dialogue.

In the broader context of anime, Relena’s speech is often cited as an example of how the medium can explore complex themes in a way that is both accessible and thought-provoking. It’s a testament to the power of storytelling and the impact that well-crafted dialogue can have on an audience.

Relena Peace craft: A Character Study

To fully understand the significance of the speech, it’s important to look at Relena Peacecraft as a character. Throughout Gundam Wing, Relena evolves from a naive young girl into a powerful advocate for peace. Her journey is marked by moments of doubt, conflict, and growth, all of which culminate in the “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech.

Relena’s character is defined by her commitment to non-violence. Despite the overwhelming odds and the violence that surrounds her, she remains steadfast in her belief that peace is possible. This conviction is what makes her speech so powerful—it’s not just words, but a reflection of her deepest beliefs.

The Influence of the Peacecraft Family

Relena’s ideals are deeply rooted in the teachings of her family, particularly her father, King Peacecraft, who was a staunch advocate for pacifism. The Peacecraft family’s influence is evident in Relena’s actions and decisions throughout the series. Her speech is, in many ways, a continuation of her father’s legacy—a call for peace in a world that desperately needs it.

However, Relena’s journey is not without its challenges. She is constantly faced with the harsh realities of war, and there are moments when her ideals are put to the test. Yet, she never wavers in her belief that peace is worth fighting for, even if it means going against the tide.

The Role of the Gundam’s

In Gundam Wing, the Gundams are more than just machines of war—they are symbols of power, resistance, and, ultimately, change. The pilots of these Gundams each have their own motivations, but they are united by a common goal: to bring about a better future.

Relena’s speech challenges the Gundam pilots to reconsider their methods and the impact of their actions. She asks them to think about the true purpose of their power and how it can be used to create a lasting peace rather than perpetuating the cycle of violence.

The Gundam’s Role in “Ratification”

The concept of “retification” introduced in Relena’s speech is a key theme in the series. It suggests that the Gundams, despite their association with destruction, have the potential to correct the wrongs of the past and pave the way for a better future. This idea is central to the narrative of Gundam Wing, where the characters are constantly grappling with the consequences of their actions.

Relena’s speech is a reminder that power, when used responsibly, can be a force for good. It’s a message that resonates not just with the characters in the series, but with the audience as well.

The Broader Themes of Gundam Wing

Gundam Wing is known for its exploration of complex themes such as war, peace, and the nature of power. Relena’s speech encapsulates many of these themes, offering a perspective that is both idealistic and grounded in reality.

The series as a whole challenges the viewer to think critically about the world and the choices we make. It asks difficult questions about the nature of justice, the cost of war, and the possibility of peace in a world that seems perpetually at odds with itself.

The Impact of the Speech on Popular Culture

The “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech has had a lasting impact on popular culture, particularly within the anime community. It has been referenced in various discussions, analyses, and even in other works of fiction. The speech’s themes of peace and responsibility continue to resonate with audiences, making it a timeless piece of dialogue.

In the years since Gundam Wing first aired, Relena’s speech has become a symbol of hope and a reminder of the power of words. It’s a testament to the enduring legacy of the series and the impact it has had on fans around the world.


1. What is the significance of the “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech?

The speech highlights the themes of peace, responsibility, and the potential for redemption in a world marked by conflict. It challenges characters and viewers to think critically about the use of power and the possibility of positive change.

2. Thy does Relena use the word “rectify”?

The term “rectify” suggests a process of correction or making things right. It indicates that the Gundam’s, despite their destructive capabilities, have a role in restoring balance and correcting the wrongs of the past.

3. How does the speech impact the characters in Gundam Wing?

The speech serves as a turning point for many characters, prompting them to reconsider their roles in the conflict and the impact of their actions. It leads to a reflection on the true purpose of their power and the path they wish to take moving forward.


The “Gundam’s Will Soon Retify” speech by Relena Peacecraft is a pivotal moment in Gundam Wing, encapsulating themes of peace, responsibility, and the potential for redemption. Through her words, Relena challenges both characters and viewers to reconsider the use of power and the true path to lasting peace. Her speech has left an enduring impact on the series and popular culture, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of dialogue and justice in a world marked by conflict. This moment continues to resonate, highlighting the timeless relevance of Gundam Wing‘s messages.

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